What our patients have to say:
TMJ From jaw clicking to locking.
Dizziness improved with TMJ treatment.
Neck and shoulder pain relief.
Migraines and headache TMJ treatment.
Headache, Jaw Pain and Neck pain relief.
TMJ Testimonial
Neck, ear, and jaw pain relief.
Arm, shoulder, arm pain, and neck spasms relief.
Neck, shoulder, and joint pain, fatigue.
Spasms neck and back pain
Severe Dizziness treated with TMJ Orthotic.
Head Jerk & Stiffness Right Side Improve with TMJ treatment.
TMJ Testimonial Facial Numbness and Clicking sounds in head.
TMJ Treatment Testimonial.
TMJ Treatment helps with shoulder pain and arm movement.
New treatment, Tourettes Tics cease.